Monster Inn Rectification Report: Chapter 5

“The minutes?”

In front of the courtyard, Yu Li roughly scanned through a few pages of pinyin and text typed down on the iPad. Looking through it, he still found it hard to believe. “He was actually able to make Yin Su do this?”

Though Yin Su always acted like a loyal dog in front of him, in the face of outsiders it never had the mind to follow or even attend to their needs or wants.  

“Call him and he’ll act ah.” Ah Fu lazily fiddled with the strands of his purple fringe lying flat across his forehead. “Yin Su was really active. He took the initiative and felt like doing his request.” 

“......” Yu Li muttered in a low voice and spat, “Showing off to get on his good side just because he’s crazy about his looks, idiot! ”  

All of a sudden, a strange feeling came over Yu Li’s heart. He immediately looked up. The sunlight beamed down with clouds covering the sky. He saw the idiot open his mouth and straight up rushed towards him, flying fast. 

Realizing that his speed was too much, Yin Su failed to slow down and instead plunged straight into his master’s arms.

Yu Li huffed at the sudden contact, feeling stifled. Before he even got to scold the owl, Yin Su let out a sharp cry. In an instant, Yu Li’s face changed, a steely look taking over. “Where is he blocked?” He snapped.

After Yin Su pointed out the direction, Yu Li hastily threw the owl in Ah Fu’s arms. In a flash, he disappeared from the courtyard. 
At the same time, in Shaoyang Town.  
The narrow alley was a mess. The small three-wheeler lied helplessly on the ground while shattered potted plants and piled up debris were scattered all over the floor. On the ground, several men lay groaning one after the other, faces beaten and blue.  But the most miserable cry that could be heard in the street came from none other than the bald headed man who started it all.   

“Big brother, did you find my idiom class interesting?” Xie Fei crouched near the bald man and held a root he picked out from a nearby plant. Gripping it, he poked the other man’s face which now looked more like a swollen pig’s head.  

The bald man gazed at him with fear in his eyes, gasping. 

“Still dare to block me?”

Desperate, the bald man looked up and begged for mercy with his eyes. 
“Want me to let you go?”

The bald headed man nodded vigorously. 

“Fine ba.”  

Unexpectedly, Xie Fei had a good way with words. He placed his hands on his knees and stood up, looking down disdainfully at the defeated general. The man’s heart shrank in fear, his panic rising to the point of feeling weightless. It seemed that at any moment, he’d hear the curse of a thousand evil spirits pointed at him.  

However, Xie Fei only opened his mouth to ask: “Do you have money?”

The bald man: “.....”

“You and your men disturbed the tenants and scared off the others to the point that they dare not go outside. On this topic, they wouldn’t even think of booking a room in our inn and business will be affected.” 

Xie Fei randomly chose a closed door and pointed at it with a somber look on his face. “Not to mention, you’ve also broken so many pots and destroyed the plants in the area. You seriously damaged the environment, shouldn’t there be compensation?”

The bald-headed man: “......”

No one expected that their plan of ganging up on the youth would eventually fail and become one huge farce. 
Under Xie Fei’s watchful eyes, the gangsters went from house to house, losing money as they paid for the damages. From this event, Xie Fei earned many praises and applause from the people. 

Before leaving, Xie Fei reminded them in good faith: “Big brother, don’t forget to collect the trash later ah. Right now the town is implementing the waste management system. They’re very strict and you’ll get a fine for this mess.”

Comrade Xie, who regarded himself as a good socialist citizen, picked up the small three-wheeler vehicle and righted it. The thugs who were just beaten and stretched to their limits looked at him with gratitude in their eyes. Then, anxiously, Xie Fei added: “Dry and wet should be separated okay ba?

“Yes!” The gangsters nodded their heads like chickens pecking rice on the ground. At the same time, they replied in unison: “Dry or wet, if the pigs eat it, we’ll be the first to know! 
Hearing this, Xie Fei’s heart finally eased and he slowly rode out of the alley. Not long after, he was stopped again. 

“Mr. Yu?” Xie Fei was stunned then, he gave a smile. “How are things?”  
Compared to the Yu Li he met in the morning, the Yu Li in front him was a whole new person. Seeing him ride the back of a bicycle meant for women like a knight, Yu Li completely broke his image. With his foot on the ground, one could see that he couldn't even straighten his leg as he pedaled his way over. His usual pale face was flushed, the red color seeping his skin while a bead of sweat trickled down his nose. Although it did nothing to diminish his already charming face, it somewhat gave off an awkward and embarrassed look.
“What happened here?” Yu Li asked, obviously in bad spirits. “Weren’t you surrounded?”
“Yin Su told you?” Xie Fei guessed. It was no wonder he didn’t see the snowy owl’s shadow throughout the ordeal. “It’s all right. I just happened to meet the people who caused trouble yesterday at the inn. Ah… already know about that, right ba?
Of course Yu Li knew about the matter but he didn’t put much thought in it. If Xiang Fei and Ah Fu couldn’t even handle a bunch of street gangsters, they would have been expelled from the demon registry already. But Xie Fei was different. He was merely a thin and frail youth--a weak human being.
“I beat them up,” said the thin and fragile youth.
Yu Li examined Xie Fei closely and saw that the youth was indeed fine. He looked to be in good condition except for a few wrinkles on his shirt and a small bruise on the corner of his mouth. He couldn’t believe it. 
Surprised, he didn’t think things would develop this way. It was beyond his expectations. Before he could even think more about the matter, he heard the distant sound of a camera shutter from where he stood. “Click.” Yu Li looked back and saw several young girls across the street, pointing at him excitedly, phones in hand.
Yu Li frowned, hands grabbing the pair of handles on the bike, and turned. With his long legs, he kicked off the pavement and the bike immediately sped out from the alley, covering a huge distance. Without looking back, he yelled: “Let’s go!”
Even though Xie Fei had no idea what just happened, he stepped onto the small tricycle and followed him, trying to catch up. Then, a chorus of sharp, high octave screams broke out behind him--
“Ah!! It’s Yu Li!”
“Where, where? Is it really Yu Li?”
“Sisters, quickly chase him ah! Go!”
Loud and chaotic sounds travelled with the wind, reaching their ears. Yu Li and Xie Fei made several turns then entered the nearest alley. Instantly, their shadows disappeared.  
Ten minutes later, Yu Li stood next to a garbage can in a dark alley, enduring the foul and acrid smell in the air. Then, he turned to Xie Fei and said: “Hey, go buy me a hat and a pair of sunglasses.”
After going through that whole ordeal, Xie Fei more or less guessed the man’s identity. “You’re a big star?”
Yu Li faintly hummed, feigning indifference as he pulled at the collar of his shirt, fanning himself. But, from the look in his eyes and the sweat gathered at his brows, they happened to reveal other emotions.
Looking at him, Xie Fei caught a subtle sense of familiarity. Thinking about it, Xie Fei thought it kind of resembled Yin Su’s obvious display of his ability to type, as if boasting about it.
Seeing through Yu Li’s heart, Xie Fei finally found a way to get along with the man. Quietly, without moving, he muttered: “No wonder you’re so handsome. It’d be a shame if you didn’t work as a star. I’m sure a lot of people like you.”
As expected. 
The corners of Yu Li’s mouth twitched slightly. “It’s true. My weibo has more than 60 million fans.” Suddenly, he lowered his eyes and watched Xie Fei. “For instance you, don’t you recognize me?”
“I used to be in an orphanage so I don’t know much about the outside world.” Xie Fei’s eyes dimmed a little. “Also, after going home, I didn’t have enough energy to go out……”
Yu Li, who already knew the ins and out of his situation, became uncomfortable. “Hurry up, let’s go buy the things. It stinks here,” he urged dryly. Xie Fei found his reaction funny and in a low voice, made a noise of assent. He sat on the small three wheeler again and rode it.
There were a lot of shops in Shaoyang town. Xie Fei hurriedly bought the hat and sunglasses for Yu Li and was about to return when he suddenly thought of Yu Li’s dazzling “fluorescent green” shirt from earlier. He swiveled around and entered one of the clothing stores. In the shop, he picked up two pants and one white shirt. The shirt was for Yu Li while the rest he bought for himself. 
In order to save a little more money, Xie Fei bargained with the shop, his throat almost catching fire from trying so hard. When he exited the store, he felt sweet relief, as if a huge burden was lifted off his chest. He just hoped  that the big star’s mood wouldn’t be too troublesome after waiting for so long.
However to his surprise Yu Li was still easy to talk to. After getting the items and discovering that the straw hat and sunglasses were only 15 and 30 yuan respectively, he didn’t show any reluctance or distaste over them. The only thing he commented on was the shirt Xie Fei bought. “What made you choose a simple white shirt?”
“White won’t attract attention.”
“I like the bright ones more,’” Yu Li replied, obviously dissatisfied with his choice of clothes. 
Xie Fei wanted to persuade him and just “buy everything” but instead, he swallowed down the words and his mouth ended up saying: “But I really feel that you look super handsome in white ah, you even have such a great figure. It’s like you’re born to model it! With the bag and the jacket, really good looking.”
With a composed look on his face, Yu Li nodded. “Then it’s good ba.
While waiting for Yu Li to finish packing up, Xie Fei mentioned that he wanted to go and buy some tools to repair the inn. “Mr. Yu, do you want to go together?”
Yu Li pressed down the hat on his head indifferently and lightly asked: “Don’t you think it’d be hard for me to go back by myself? You want me to go alone?”
“Ah, I don’t dare, don’t dare. Then, I’ll go first.” Xie Fei immediately expressed himself. But as soon as he stepped on the tricycle’s pedals, he felt something resisting him at the back. Turning around, he glanced at the man, at a loss. “What’s wrong?”
Yu Li pointed at the bicycle parked by the wall. Frowning, he furrowed his brows and said: “You still want me to ride that thing?”
Xie Fei pondered over this then suggested, “How about you come up and I’ll give you a ride?” 
Yu Li had reluctance written all over his face, however after comparing the bicycle and Xie Fei’s own vehicle, he ended up carrying his bicycle to the small three wheeler. With great difficulty, he struggled to sit up on the bike. 
Despite the added weight of another person and a bike, Xie Fei continued to pedal on, not feeling the strain at all.  
“Where did you get that bike from?” He asked while pedalling. Wasn’t there only three-wheeled vehicles in the inn?
“.......Borrowed it.”
“You ride a bicycle really fast. It’s only been twenty minutes since I was surrounded then you arrived…..wait, don’t you have a car? Why not drive?”
Yu Li remained silent. When Xie Fei thought that the other was finally annoyed with him, Yu Li suddenly said: “Private cars aren’t allowed to enter the town. When I got off I saw the bicycle on the side of the road so I just…borrowed it.”
Xie Fei vaguely noticed Yu Li’s discomfort in talking about his “borrowed” bicycle. At the same time, his mind went back to the fact that the man was a big star. Imagining the embarrassment he must have felt when he appeared in front of Xie Fei without a single disguise, it explained the man’s difficulty in admitting his actions.
In the end, this man came over to help him. 
Suddenly, the feeling of happiness washed over him. He turned to him and sincerely said: “Thank you, Mr. Yu.”
As they went back to the main street, Xie Fei could still hear the people talking about “The Legend of Yu Li.” But after a while, the rumour shifted and developed into “Yu Li eloping with a man.” Hearing this, Xie Fei extremely admired the people’s ability to draw up a terrible nightmare. He quickly bought all the basic tools he needed for the inn and happened to also buy several packets of fruit and vegetable seeds.
“I’m just about done.” Xie Fei stuffed the remaining hundred yuan bill in this pocket before looking over at Yu Li. “Shall we head back?”
Now that Xie Fei bought all the goods, the tricycle was piled with tools and various other items. Yu Li sat on one side, his long legs folded over in an attempt to squeeze in. In a cold and aggrieved voice, Yu Li reminded him, “Remember to return the bicycle too.”
Xie Fei: “......”
On the way back to the inn the two people passed by a shop selling mobile phones when out of the blue, Yu Li asked him to stop. Xie Fei thought Yu Li wanted to go in and buy a phone so he said: “You go in by yourself ba. I’ll stay here and keep watch.”
Yu Li glanced at him and said nothing. 
When Yu Li came out, he handed over a paper bag and said: “In the future, if you have something to do just call me directly. There’s already a sim card inside. Don’t lose it.”
The stunned Xie Fei: “I--”
“Don’t bother.” He impatiently placed the bag in Xie Fei’s arms. “I’m letting you have it.”
Xie Fei looked down and said, “I wanted to say that I like the silver one better. Is this yours?”
“......” Yu Li’s face turned to black. “It’s nouveau rich gold. Like it or not, it’s yours.”
Xie Fei accepted the bag. However for a period of time, he noticed that Yu Li quieted down and ignored him, obviously angry. Xie Fei didn’t expect the man to be in such a bad mood. Fortunately, he was able to coax him. Under his endless compliments and praising words, Yu Li gradually eased down and was now willing to talk to him again. 
“By the way, what kind of monster are you?” Xie Fei continued pedalling and asked curiously. 
“I’m a demon not a monster.”
“Then what kind of demon are you?” Although Ah Fu didn’t say it clearly, Xie Fei figured that he wouldn’t be a bat. Since Ah Fu was so afraid of Yu Li then….could it be a natural enemies kind of relationship?
“A snake demon?”
The moment he asked this, he felt a deep chill laid with terror behind him but it quickly vanished into thin air. When Xie Fei turned around, he found that he was alone.
Did he somehow provoke him? Was he angry again? Even leaving without a word? Then, did he guess it right?
Xie Fei went back to the inn, head full of doubts. When he reached the courtyard, he saw two ladies standing in the lobby. One of them voiced out their shock, glancing at the prices. “499 a night for the worst room? So expensive?!”
“Not expensive! It’s 99!”
Xie Fei was so excited, he hastily got off the small three wheeler and rushed towards the lobby as if stepping on hot lava.
“But it clearly says…” The woman who spoke was stunned as she saw Xie Fei. 
“That’s the price set by the former boss,” Xie Fei explained. He quickly racked his memories about the “former boss” in his head, relying on the hearsay the original owner heard of--
 “The former boss owed a lot of money so he ran away with his sister-in-law!”
“We had no choice but to increase the rate to pay for the salary!”
“Original price 499, but now only 99!”

The author has something to say:

Yu: The hero saves the beauty
Xie: It doesn't exist


Updates will be slower now that school is starting. Also, I have a big exam coming up so I'm not sure when I'll be able to post the next chapter. Of course, I'll give everyone a head's up if I'll be taking a short break. 

Thank you for reading!


  1. Lol poor Yu Li didn't even lift a finger and even exposed himself w/o disguise xD

    Thank you so much for the chapter!!!~ πŸ™‡πŸ™‡πŸ™‡πŸ™‡πŸ™‡πŸ™‡

  2. thank u for the chapter!! good luck with school!!!

  3. Yu Li's so vain, I love it.

  4. Let me guess, Yu Li's a peacock right? His fashion taste is so flamboyant. πŸ˜‚


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